Thursday, 29 March 2007

smeggy crowded places

London was amazing. I always forget that I once lived there, thou it was for only a year & I did not in my teenage wisdom participate it all it has to offer. I experienced a huge desire to live there for a very short while and participate in everything the city has to offer, the anti iraqu campsite outside the houses of parliment, the free plays, the art exhibitions, the complete fecking vibrancy living in a city brings. Being there was so totally exciting , amazing architecture mixed with 1960s buildings. Adoring the faux Dahli sculpture dotted around the south bank, and the amazing photo Daniel almost took of the human statue chatting to his friend on a "break", it was quite surreal.
My biggest thrill was actually being able to walk legitimately into/through/and past Westminster Abbey and not be arrested (you know what I am talking about those who know).
I walked 40 mins from where I was staying to Westminster and felt the city smegginess surrounding me, I did not want a ciggie and was very obviously excited to be in this huge potentiality, where I could join in with any art, desire, design I wanted. The feeling of being part of something greater than yourself is very tangible, and in a totally different way than when I go home to the huge sand dunes and mile long empty beaches, it was a feeling of being totally alone amongst a huge mass. This in itself is - to me - quite scary. I want to feel alone when I am the only person on Rossbeigh beach in the middle of a storm in November. I don't necessarily want to feel alone in the middle of London in a huge storm of people towards the end of March.
I had a great chat with Karin and am amazed at how easy it is to totally adore people for just being them and how much one can learn. I am very pleased to say that I am growing more and more as a human. At least I think I am..............
You may or may not be glad to hear at this stage that I am still feeling very horny. This is not good, voluptuous women rarely get a look in, never mind in a city filled with stickwomen, even less so in a county filled with the ten to one-ers.
It has been a very full few days filled with a huge amount of revelations, work and personal wise. I have not had time to reflect on this and am sure when I do will appear with some profound bullshit. such as
"something very profound and meaningful, how things will be different now I have discovered this"

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