Monday, 5 March 2007


Aaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh. life is so crap, shite and uccie. I have no motivation, impetus to acheive anything, am picking fights with friends, and being all round miserable. I always get like this when I have been home, this time it is worse than ever before. Nothing is cheering me up, not getting top marks in my observation today, not being chatted up by someone 17 years younger than me at the weekend, not getting a surprise cheque in the post, not seeing primroses in my garden or having a house full of daffodils.
I am trying very hard to shake myself out of this - fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

Hey hon, maybe a herbal boost may help. Have you still got Rhodiola, St Johns Wort or 5HTP? Out of those 3, St Johns may be good but it takes weeks to take effect. Sometimes you just need a bit of help to keep going and kick start feeling better. I hope you're feeling better now. Love u lots