Thursday, 18 January 2007

Hello there

Well, this is the ultimate in indulgence really isn't. Posting thoughts and ramblings in the vague hope that someone somewhere will read the meanderings of a mixed mind. and actually bother to have something to say about it.
I am in the middle of the day from hell and decided some distraction is in order.

having recently been accused of the unique and quiet order of my life and lack of spontaneity, I decided a few hours later to sell my house ! up yours O.B. how's that for spontaneous, or is that more impulsive ? and what defines the difference between the two ? - answers on a posting please.

And another fine question raised over lunch by Eoghan yesterday if "the best made plans of mice and men go awry", what happens when the plans of mice go well, why do we never hear about it ?

am severly lacking car due to exploding head gasket, I now have to negotiate the joys of rural public transport to get to work tomorrow. no doubt this will give me amble to ramble about ....


Jacqui said...

Wow you’re selling your house.
After reading this one I decided to grab my dictionary off the shelf. It’s always good for a laugh.
Spontaneous, meaning acting or done or occurring without external cause or instinctive, automatic, prompted by no motive.
Impulsive, meaning apt to be affective or determined by sudden impulse.
So we need to look at the word impulse, which is quite funny.
Impulse, meaning the act or an instance of impelling, or an impetus, or an indefinately large force acting for a very short time but producing a finite change of momentum, or a wave of excitation in a nerve, or mental incitement, or a sudden desire or tendency to act without reflection.
Right are we all clear now.
In my case it would probably be the last two definations that apply. Only you can decide which meanings apply to you. Let me know whether you are spontaneous or impulsive

Rae said...

I think I can be impulsive "sudden desire or tendency to act without reflection" or spontaneous "acting prompted by no motive".
Unfortunately at the moment I am neither, amorphous, fed up and a bit soggy cos of all the rain