Monday, 14 May 2007

absence and birthdays

It has been manic, life in general, what between getting out of bed and actually existing and then going back to bed again - ach its terrible.
I have been very busy and trying to look after myself inbetween times and trying very hard to live my constantly updating self affirmations.
I hit "almost forty" in birthdays over the weekend, so maybe the self affirmation thing is about hitting a midlife crisis, or leaving the old one behind while myself figures out what the next one will hold. The one thing birthdays do for me is allow me to recognise and understand the importance we as individuals play in others lives. I am honoured and blessed by the willingness of people who wanted to share and celebrate and marked my birthday with significance - thank you everyone.
I spent Sunday with Alf and we had several profound conversations, the biggest one being about how as humans we need recognition /validation and are not willing to give it to ourselves in certain areas of our lives. I give myself recognition/validation in my profession, but in few other areas, my birthday has allowed me to validate myself and recognise roles I play for other people. My task now is to share that with other aspects of my life where I know it is hugely lacking.
My life, due to work continues to be very very busy & I love this and will carve time for every other aspect too.